Geoffrey Ekanya Loses Election Petition, FDC Blames Museveni

Opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party treasurer general has lost an election petition in the Court of Appeal, sending fear in the party that more seats could be lost in appeals.

About a year ago, the High Court in Mbale kicked ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) candidate Annet Nyakecho out of Parliament after Ekanya complained that the Electoral Commission had failed to count votes from some polling stations in Tororo North constituency which he said were his strongholds.

Official results said Nyakecho had polled 8,911 votes against Ekanya’s 8,822 votes.

But Nyakecho appealed the High Court ruling in the Court of Appeal.

Responding to the news of Ekanya’s loss, FDC deputy Secretary general in charge of mobilisation Harold Kaija suggested there was a scheme to weaken the party’s muscle in Parliament.

“This Judgement tells u a lot about why we have by-elections in Kyadondo East. The grounds that Sitenda Sebalu took to courts and got a by election are the same grounds that Hon. Ekanya, Brenda Nabukenya,Alaso, Ochola put before court and their Petitions thrown out,”Kaija wrote on his Facebook page.

Kaija also expressed worry that more FDC MPs could be thrown out on the same grounds.

“I fear for Badogi Ismail Waguma, Mwiru Paul, Nasser Mudiobole and our Rukungiri woman MP.”

He also claimed “Mr Museveni wants to erase our Party FDC. The Kyadondo by election is aimed at removing FDC from its birth place.

“Any party member must be concerned about this development.”

Marion Ayebazibwe