MP Magyezi: I’m Yet to Receive Shs 800 Million Age Limit Bribe, I’m a Man of Integrity

MPs belonging to the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party have Tuesday responded to hostile remarks from sections of the public opposed to the lifting of the age limit clause.

Last week, a group of ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party MPs resolved to table a bill with the intention of removing the age limit clause that bars all those below 35 and those above 75 from standing for president.

Born in 1944 and in power since 1944, three-decade president Yoweri Museveni will be over 75 and article 102b bars him from standing for president.

The NRM MPs’ announcement was greeted with hostility from opposition MPs who vowed to use all means possible to defend the Constitution and avert a possible Museveni life presidency.

The MPs led by Igara West’s Raphael Magyezi were accused of telling lies that they had consulted their constituents and for reportedly being bribed to push for the deletion of the age limit clause.

But Magyezi on Tuesday told reporters at Parliament that he was incorruptible.

“I’m a man of integrity in this respect. I can’t receive money to do my job,” he claimed.

Without evidence, Magyezi once again claimed he had “consulted my people” and they told me to push for a Museveni life presidency.

Magyezi also contradicted himself when he said the MPs would seek to consult the constituents once the age limit bill has been tabled.

Meanwhile Magyezi revealed that all was ready for the tabling of a motion for a private member’s Bill on Thursday.

Samuel Kamugisha