Weekly comedy show, Comedy Store has been linked to a move from NTV back to their previous broadcasters NBS Television, The Tower Post reports.
The reports come weeks after the expiry of their contract with NTV. The two parties entered the partnership in March 2017.
Since then, the Alex Muhangi led show has been airing live on NTV at 10:00PM on Thursdays with a repeat at 6:00PM on Saturdays.
“Comedy Store has gone back to NBS,” a source inside Nation Media Group owned NTV told The Tower Post.
But Comedy Store officials have denied the move saying; “It isn’t something we are even considering.”
“No, we didn’t move. The NTV Uganda – Comedy Store contract expired and we’re still in talks for the new one. Meanwhile we’re airing our show on our Facebook and YouTube platforms,” said a source inside Comedy Store Management.
This website understands that Muhangi held a meeting with NTV officials on Monday although the outcome of the same remains unknown.
Efforts to get a comment from NBS TV were futile as we couldn’t readily reach their officials.