Gulu District Deputy RDC Cosmas James Okidi has rallied women in Awach Sub-County, Aswa county on the issue of constant saving culture in order for their group to grow and excel financially.
Addressing Gulu district Owino Vendors Association at KZs Safaris Hotel in Awach Sub-county at the weekend, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner lauded them for the formation of the group in an organised manner.
The function was meant to raise resources (Fundraising drive) to support Owino Vendors association so as to see them progress to the next level.
The event attracted several local leaders across the district including prominent business people from Gulu city among other nearby areas.
In his communication, Deputy RDC Cosmas James Okidi implored the market vendors to take key interest on government programs such as Women entrepreneurship funds, Emyooga, Parish Development Model and many other government programs put in place to improve household income so as to enhance and support their association.
“For your association to gain strength, you need to embrace commercial agriculture as opposed to subsistence farming,” the Deputy RDC remarked.
He said President Museveni is so passionate about income generating activities and “as the office of the RDC Gulu, we are so happy for the development”
“We pledge to support you where need arises for your association to achieve its goals and objectives”, Cosmas added.
President Yoweri Museveni recently toured Acholi Sub region basing in Gulu for the message of wealth creation that he spread to the leaders in the region.