South Sudan: SPLA-IO General Killed in Leer Fighting

A high-ranking officer within the SPLA-IO splinter group aligned with the army was among those killed in fighting with SPLA-IO forces in Leer County on Tuesday, the group’s leader said.

The clashes erupted at 5:00 am on Tuesday, with both sides accusing each other of initiating the attack on their respective positions.

Lt. General Simon Maguek Gai, who defected from SPLA-IO forces said that Brigadier General Nyuon Dhoal Gatluak had been killed in clashes. He revealed that two of his officers sustained injuries.

“I will mobilize my forces from two counties, Mayiendit and Koch, to engage SPLA-IO in all areas under their control,” threatened Lt. Gen. Simon Maguek.

Seven months ago, Lt. Gen. Simon Maguek Gai defected from the SPLA-IO led by First Vice President Riek Machar and joined the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) led by President Salva Kiir. He was warmly received at the SPLM office in Juba by senior SPLM party officials.

Maguek also mentioned that, in the seven days leading up to the conflict, over 300 forces had been transported from Fangak to Adok port.

For his part, SPLA-IO Spokesperson, Col. Lam Paul Gabriel, reported that in the initial clash, one of their soldiers was killed, and five others were wounded. He claimed that eight soldiers under the command of Lt. General Simon Maguek were subsequently found dead in the field.

“On Tuesday, we were attacked in four locations by forces under the command of Gen. Simon Maguek Gai. These forces, loyal to Maguek, operate independently, and there is no confirmed support from SSPDF soldiers in Leer. Despite the confrontation, we have successfully held our positions,” Lam said.

“On the SPLA-IO side, one soldier was shot and killed by the first bullet in the initial fighting and died instantly. Additionally, a total of five soldiers were wounded,” he added.

U.S. Reaction

Reacting to the recent violence, the Embassy of the United States on Wednesday expressed concern over reports of fighting in Leer County.

We are particularly concerned about reports of casualties and displacement of civilians.  We call on the transitional government to act with urgency to end the violence.  All those in positions of authority and influence in South Sudan must commit to resolving differences through peaceful dialogue,” the Embassy said.

 “We recall the history of horrific human rights violations and extrajudicial killings in Unity State.  We renew our call on the transitional government to release the long-delayed findings of the investigation into the April 2022 violence in Leer County.  The perpetrators must be held accountable,” it added.

Koch Madut