Plastic Waste Threatening Aquatic Lives in Juba

Polythen and plastic waste pollution on the Nile is threatening aquatic lives and the environment. Waste produced in Juba mostly finds its way into the Nile, the city’s source of water for domestic use and commercial supposes.

South Sudanese government says it’s working to bring an end to waste dumping into the Nile by introducing strike policies against the act.

Piles of plastics lay stuck at the riverbank while some floating at Gabat port in Juba.

The government says they are taking steps to address pollution despite numerous challenges it claims slowing down the process.

The Ministers of Livestock’s and Fisheries Onyoti Adigo says lack of awareness on the impact of plastics are some challenges the city is facing. He urged communities and partners to engage in the fight against plastic use.

The mayor of Juba City Council Flora Modi says they are lacking resources to implement the mandate of Juba City, which include keeping the City clean.

Businessman, Mayom Magot says there is need to address water pollution from the start, which include a collective role by communities along the Nile Basin.

According to the Deputy head of mission of the European Union Lothar Jaschke, the waste can be recycled and repurposed for the benefit of the community and the environment.

The head of mission for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development David Kwaje, urged the partners to engage with government and ensure policies are supported and implemented.

The campaign against plastic pollution on the bank is a more significant movement to address plastic waste in the city. By continuing to raise awareness and encourage sustainable practices, government and communities can work towards a future where our rivers are free from plastic pollution.

Wek Atak