Civil Society Raises Concern Over Recurrent Presidential Decrees

The Integrity South Sudan have expressed their concern over the recurrent presidential decrees concerning the firing and appointment of public officials.

On Tuesday, Luate Satimon Joel Executive Director said that the foundation of a robust democracy is built on the principles of transparency and accountability especially in the context of government appointments and dismissals.

“As a civil society organization committed to the democratic progress of South Sudan, Integrity South Sudan express its concern over the recurrent presidential decrees concerning the firing and appointment of public officials. While recognizing the president’s authority in making executive decision, we emphasize the need for a transparent process that includes clear criteria for such decisions, as well as the rationale behind them,”

He added that the frequent reshuffling of positions without public disclosure of the reasons undermines the trust of the citizens in the government’s commitment to democratic norms. Accountability is equally crucial. It ensures that public officials are answerable for their actions and decisions, which should be made in the best interest of the nation and its people. A system where appointments and dismissals are subject to scrutiny and follow established procedures can prevent the concentration of power and potential abuses. Integrity South Sudan urges the government of South Sudan to adopt a more systematic approach to the issuance of decrees, one that is aligned with international best practices. Which includes; providing explanations for the changes in government positions to the public and ensuring that appointments are based on qualifications and experience and more importantly in institutions involved in management of public finances.

“We urge the government to consider the long-term impact of these decrees on the political stability and institutional integrity of South Sudan. A transparent approach to governance will not only build confidence among the citizens but also among international partners who are keen to support South Sudan’s journey towards peace and prosperity. Therefore, we call our government for a commitment to enhance transparency and accountability in governance of South Sudan,”

Wek Atak