Arcades Won’t Open If Landlords Don’t Comply to Set Guidelines

The Minister for Kampala Betty Amongi has revealed that arcades will not open until landlords comply to guidelines set by the Ministry of Health to stem to spread of coronavirus.

Amongi told journalists on Wednesday that the landlords had failed to put in place requirements agreed upon.

In a meeting last week, the government through the ministry of kampala has outlined stringent measures to be adopted by traders and arcade owners if

they are to be opened. The Minister of Kampala Affairs, Betty Amongi told journalists at the media center on Wednesday, July 8 that arcades would only open if the two parties(Traders and Arcade Owners) adopt the measures set by government.

The guidelines issued include; keeping the premises and access ways clean, hygienic, and not blocked, and that corridors and access ways are free of any obstruction, stockpiles, and temporary structures. Generally, businesses in countries like the UK employ the services of this commercial cleaners newcastle company or similar companies. But not every country has this kind of firm. That is why cleaning commercial premises often becomes a big task, where simple labor often lacks in quality. As a result, complying with the guidelines becomes a tough task. However, seeing the need for an industrial cleaning service at the current time, many entrepurs seem to be stepping up and investing in this kind of business.

Anyway, coming back to the topic, the arcade owners and the business people who operate in the business centres have also been asked to have adequate natural lighting and ventilation in the premises, a dedicated entry and exit point, and dedicated persons to man them at all times.

In addition, arcades are required to have closed Circuit Television Camera’s-CCTV at each entry, exit and level and a body temperature screening of clients and attendants using functional infrared thermometers. There should be a dedicated isolation room in case they get any suspects.

There should be handwashing facilities, areas of convenience and dust bins. There should also be cleaners dressed in personal protective gear and that there should be adequate detergents to use in cleaning.

Additionally, sweeping and mopping should be done thoroughly and regularly, for which cleaning technology from Intelligent Design Manufacturing or a company of similar kind can prove effective and so can be considered over regular equipment.

All tenants and attendants operating there should be registered and that they should wear masks and keep two meters away from their customers. Barriers should be put to ensure distancing.

All customers entering the arcades should be wearing masks and maintain a two-meter physical distancing. Management is also required to appoint compliance officers after training them on the guidelines set.

According to Minister for Kampala and Metropolitan Affairs, Betty Amongi these guidelines were reached between KCCA, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade and the representatives of arcade owners in meetings conducted after visiting and assessing the status quo in the arcades.

Arcades were among the places closed when the government declared a nationwide lockdown. Later, the government eased lockdown and opened some commercial areas Including standalone shops, garages and Malls but arcades that the government feared attracted large numbers of people remained closed. The government feared there would be no physical distancing guideline in the highly populated areas.

The government has since then been conducting pilot studys to assess the effectiveness of opening up arcades.

Kleive Calvin