Gov’t Denies Sending 70 Officials to UN Assembly

The Ugandan government has denied that it sent over 70 officials to the United Nations General Assembly.

This was announced during a press conference at the Uganda Media Center, where the Minister for ICT & National Guidance, Chris Baryomunsi, addressed the issue.

Minister Baryomunsi emphatically stated that the list published by the media was inaccurate, emphasizing that not all the individuals mentioned on the list had travelled to the UN General Assembly. He offered an example, saying, “Hon. Musenero is on that list but she didn’t travel.”

The confusion surrounding the delegation’s size, according to the minister, stemmed from the simultaneous occurrence of three distinct meetings in the same location, each requiring separate delegations.

“There was the meeting on SDGs where the prime minister went, the UN assembly attended by the vice president,” clarified Baryomunsi.

Moreover, Minister Baryomunsi reiterated the government’s commitment to fiscal responsibility by minimizing unnecessary expenditures.

“We shall continue to ensure that we restrict government officials’ travels unless it’s necessary,” he affirmed.

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