We Consulted the People on Museveni Life Presidency, Age Limit Removal – MP Magyezi

The lead mobiliser of a Tuesday caucus of NRM MPs that resolved to remove the constitutional age limit to allow Uganda’s three-decade president Yoweri Museveni rule for life has said the MPs consulted their constituents.

The MPs were covertly mobilised by State Minister of Finance for Investment and Privatization Evelyn Anite and Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi.

Magyezi said the MPs had consulted their constituents who reportedly endorsed Museveni life presidency.

The Tower Post could not independently verify Magyezi and other MPs’ claims that they had consulted their constituents.

But social media reactions from Magyezi’s Igara West and other constituencies indicated somne of the legislators had not been to their constituencies, later on to consult on the contentious proposal.

MPs such as Kassanda South’s Simeo Nsubuga were reportedly hounded from constituency functions when they started preaching the Museveni life presidency gospel.

But whether the MPs consulted their constituents or not, and who sanctioned the consultations (if any) remains debatable.

What remains undebatable is that the MPs met Tuesday at Parliament’s Conference Hall and 246 MPs voted on whether to remove the age limit or not.

Kyaka MP Jackson Rwakafuzi moved the motion and 245 of the 246 MPs voted in favour of age limit removal.

Only Kumi Woman MP Monica Amoding dissented.

Article 102b of the constitution provides for the upper presidential age limit, barring anyone age 75 and above to contest for the country’s top seat.

Born in 1944, Museveni will be ineligible to stand for president since he will be over 75.

But the backing from the NRM MPs, majority in Parliament, forecast the age limit removal.

In 2005, MPs used the tyranny of numbers to remove the term limit clause to allow Museveni stand for president after serving the mandatory two terms.

Samuel Kamugisha