Age Limit Removal Will Open Gates of War – Nsereko

Kampala Central MP Muhammad Nsereko has warned that a move to delete the age limit clause to entrench the life presidency of Uganda’s three-decade leader Yoweri Museveni could open the floodgates of war.

On Tuesday, Some 245 NRM MPs of the 246 who attended a ‘consultative meeting on age limit’ resolved to remove article 102b from Uganda’s constitution, a clause that bars all those below the age of 35 and over 75 from running for president.

Born in 1944 and in power since 1986, Museveni will be over 75 and therefore ineligible for reelection when Uganda next goes to the polls in 2021.

But the MPs, led by Igara West representative Raphael Magyezi, plan to table a private members’ bill to push for the deletion of the age limit.

Now, Nsereko, an independent MP (seen by many as rebel NRM) MP, warns that the age limit deletion could lead Uganda on the path to conflict.

Speaking during a morning show on NBS TV, Nsereko warned: “For as long as you close the gates that lead to a peaceful transition, you’re opening the flood gates of war.”

Since Uganda’s independence in 1962, the land locked third world country has never seen a peaceful change of power.

The vocal MP also refuted claims that Kampala traders supported the age limit removal. He suggested that a group filmed on Tuesday in a pro-Museveni life presidency march were not traders but hired jobless youth.

“These people who were supporting removal of age limit were not traders. Some of them were asking where Dewington Road is.”

Describing Tuesday’s meeting as “a malwa discussion [chats held on local brew drinkups”, Nsereko argued: “There is something wrong with private members bill on age limit because Parliament had ruled about it in case of Ssekitoleko.”

He called on clerics and monarchs to speak up against the age limit removal plot.

“If these MPs are misbehaving, religious and cultural leaders should come out. Don’t bury your heads in the sand.”

Samuel Kamugisha