NRM Women’s League Boss Wanyoto Disagrees with Party MPs on Age Limit Removal Scheme

A day after Cabinet approved the proposal by Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi to introduce a private member’s bill for the removal of age limit, Lydia Wanyoto, the Chairperson of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Women’s League has differed on the method the amendment should be handled.

On Tuesday, 245 NRM MPs led by Raphael Magyezi (Igara West) resolved to push for a parliamentary debate on article 102b that bars anyone above 75 or under 35 from standing for president.

Born in 1944 and in power since 1986, Museveni will be ineligible for reelection when Uganda next goes to the polls in 2021. But the MPs’ move could see Museveni on the ballot.

On Friday, cabinet gave Magyezi’s motion a green light.
Magyezi is expected to table a Private Members’ Bill in Parliament on Thursday, September 21.

But speaking during Capital Gang talk show on Capital FM on Saturday, Wanyoto reasoned that although the NRM had the numbers in parliament, it would be prudent to consult all Ugandans.

“We have 303 MPs as NRM and we have 52 [independents] leaning to NRM. The UPC will also vote for us… The NRM party is one that wins; and its chairman, President Museveni is popular today and will be tomorrow; but this issue is not about who is popular. It is not about winners and losers. There must be a win-win for all Ugandans.”

She argued that the debate on the age limit should not be narrowed to only parliament.

“I believe in group politics, multipartism and consultative processes. I have been pleading with my colleagues and asking them not to take this campaign to vote; to make it about winners and losers; and nobody seems to be listening. We want every Ugandan to win in this debate. Do not narrow issues of amending the constitution to the 300 of you.”

“The people of Uganda should have a say on the amendment, but after they have been sensitized. That way, even those who are likely to lose (opposition) will accept and it will be win-win for everyone. Losers will take it in good faith and the winners will celebrate with humility.”

Samuel Kamugisha