VIDEO: Big Fight As Bobi Wine, Sewanyana Are Forcefully Evicted Out of Parliament

A brawl ensued inside Uganda’s parliament Wednesday afternoon as security personnel ejected  MPs opposed to the lifting of the age limit after Speaker Rebecca Kadaga suspended 24 members for fuelling Tuesday’s chaotic scenes.

Some of the members forcefully ejected included Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine, Allan Sewanyana, Latif Ssebagala, and M Amoding forcefully evicted.

In the process, MP P.Lutamaguzi punched a security operative.

Earlier, Kadaga had suspended the house for 30 minutes after the MPs defied her order to leave the house.

The suspended will be out of the house for three consecutive meetings as the NRM MPs led by Igara West’s Raphael Magyezi table a bill that remains largely unpopular among Ugandans.

Ugandans reject age limit removal — Poll

The motion has also been greeted with protests across major towns.

University students have also joined the anti-age limit removal protests.

Magyezi and majority of ruling NRM party MPs seek to delete the upper age limit clause in article 102b that bars anyone from standing for president beyond the age of 75.

If not deleted, three-decade president Yoweri Museveni, born in 1944, will be ineligible for reelection when Uganda next goes to the polls in 2021.

Watch the video:

Samuel Kamugisha