Parliament Defends MPs’ Demand to Have their OTT Paid

The office of the Clerk to parliament has come out to clarify on the remarks made by Obongi County MP Kaps Hassan Fungaroo where he asked that parliament pays Over The Top Tax (OTT) also known as the social media tax for MPs’ iPads.

Obongi made the submission on Thursday afternoon during a plenary session; sparking anger amongst Ugandans on social media who accused the legislators of greed and disregard of the common man.

But in a statement released on Friday morning, parliament clarified that MPs pay OTT on their mobile devices although they have no access to the provision that would allow them pay OTT on their iPADs.

“MPs are provided iPads by the parliamentary commission to facilitate their legislative duties. In a move to cut expenses incurred on printing bulky reports, statements and other communication, all parliament reports are uploaded on to their iPads. The iPads however remain property of the parliament,” the statement reads in part.

“By the nature of the data contract signed with parliament before the advent of OTT tax, it is only the service provider that can load bundles on the iPads.”

OTT tax was introduced by Parliament in July 2018.

The tax is levied on social media access with a daily fee of Shs200 expiring at midnight.

Marion Ayebazibwe