Museveni Urges Youths to Explore Opportunities Outside Employment

President Museveni on Saturday (15th December 2018) officiated the passing out of  7000 graduates from Sseninde Foundation in Wakiso district.

The foundation was started in 2016 under the initiative of State Minister for Primary Education and Wakiso District Woman MP, Rosemary Nansubuga Sseninde.

During this 3rd graduation ceremony, Sseninde warned women against laziness and urged them to embrace the vocational skills whenever they get the opportunity.

She said the foundation trains women and youths in vocational skills such as; catering, tailoring, hairdressing, making liquid soap, charcoal and paper bags etc

“I believe skilling our women is skilling the nation because a mother can’t fail to educate her child if she is educated therefore I call upon men to support their women,” she said

She urged the president to give hand in the extension of the vocational training to other parts of the country

President Museveni called for more Skilling centers more especially in the sub counties.

“I urge Our youths to explore more opportunities outside employment because there are many things they  can start with, in terms  of capital (Entandikwa) we have been granting this aid to groups inform of grants because the commercial banks were letting our people down with prohibitive interest rates. Going forward,I hope to see emphasis being put to value addition efforts ,as government we shall look into equipping groups with. Machinery required for such processes at parish level,” he said

“Therefore, I have tasked opportunity bank to handle the revolving funds of shs 500 million for the groups under the Seninde foundation,I have asked that bank manage this funds at 1% interest rates per month” he added

The President thanked Hon Sseninde for her foundation and its partners for the initiative and urged them to continue empowering youths with skills.

Muhamad Matovu