NRM CEC Endorses Museveni Sole Candidature for 2021 and Beyond

Museveni sole candidature: NRM Central Executive Committee (CEC) has endorsed President Yoweri Museveni’s sole candidature in the 2021 election.

On the last day of a five-day retreat at Chobe Safari Lodge in Nwoya District, CEC, the NRM’s supreme organ, resolved that nobody should compete with Museveni in the race for the NRM flag bearer slot.

CEC members agreed to “emphatically recommend to the membership of the movement and its organs that His Excellency Yoweri K Museveni our leader and General of the African Resistance, continues leading the Movement and the State in 2021 and beyond- as we eliminate the bottlenecks to transformation”, said NRM secretariat spokesperson Rogers Mulindwa in a statement.

Museveni has been in power since 1986.

By the end of his current term of office, Museveni will have been in power for 36 years.


Mulindwa also listed other resolutions of CEC as follows:


1. That NRM cadres should appreciate and internalise the need for appropriate Strategy & Tactics at every phase of the struggle for the fundamental socio-economic transformation of Uganda and Africa.

2. That NRM shall invest massively in the development, consolidation and dissemination of its ideological line, as well as the systematic mentorship of its cadreship.

3. To direct Government to expeditiously ensure the instruction in Patriotism straight from Primary to Universities and other Tertiary Institutions.

4. To sensitise and mobilise Ugandan people to work together for the political and economic integration of East Africa, as well as the consolidation of an African common market.

5.To warmly acknowledge & applaud the National Chairperson H.E Yoweri K. Museveni as the theoretician & principal strategist of the Movement in the fundamental liberation struggles & success of our people over the last 50 years.


1. The Party hereby directs the Government to expeditiously study the multiple requirements of operationalizing the Parish Model and proceed with the implementation without delay.

2. The Party directs the Government to significantly recapitalize the Uganda Development Bank in the new Financial year, to enable the bank to play a more vigorous and central role in providing affordable credit for transformative effort.

3. The re-capitalization of UDB shall include relocating the Agriculture Credit Facility at the Bank of Uganda to UDB.

4. The Party further directs the Government to urgently revisit the legal and administrative regime for environmental conservation, as part of a fundamental push to roll back and mitigate the effects of Climate Change.

5. That the Party directs the Government to urgently revisit the reform of the Land legal regime, which currently creates unacceptable obstacles to national development.


The Tower Post