The Office of Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released lists applicants admitted under the Private Direct Entry Scheme, Bachelor of Laws Private Day and Evening Programmes, District Quota under Government Sponsorship as well as Ugandan Students with foreign qualifications admitted on Private Admission for the Academic Year 2019/2020.
Also released are the Cut-Off Points for Private Students’ Admissions for the Academic Year 2019/2020.
Candidates recommended for admission on District Quota under Government Sponsorship are pending verification by their respective districts.
See the lists below:
1. Makerere Admission List District Quota 2019-2020 Pending Districts Verification
2. Makerere Private Direct FULL Admission List 2019-2020
3. Makerere Private Direct Admission List LAW Day Programme 2019-2020
4. Makerere Private Direct Admission List LAW Evening Programme 2019-2020
4. Makerere Private Admission List Foreign Qualifications 2019-2020