GoGP+ App is now in Uganda and in a simple flash, has made it easier and faster for one to reach a Doctor, you can speak to your doctor face to face with just a click of a button.
With the GoGP+ App, one can talk to a certified medical Doctor in real time by video and text chat from the comfort of their home or office, without going to a hospital or clinic thus maintaining social distance.
“With the GoGP+ app, the problem of self-medication and wrongful prescription will be put to rest,” Paul Mwebesa the Chief Operations Officer of GoGP+ said.
“The App is very useful during these times of social distancing, when we are required to limit social interaction as much as possible. It limits the risk of catching or spreading the coronavirus for both the patients and medical personnel. In the event of curfew or lockdown, GoGP+ is here to serve you diligently,” he added.
Technology is making life easier, efficient and convenient. The advancement in technology has made telemedicine a possibility.
Telemedicine is the use of electronic communication and software to provide clinical services to patients remotely without making a physical visit to a hospital or clinic. Now, anyone with a smartphone can get access to quality personalized medical attention.
You can access a doctor for diagnosis, monitoring, feedback, and correct prescriptions from the comfort of your couch at home or office.
The GoGP+ app is already available on play store and app store for free.
How to use the app
There are basically 5 steps one will go through to consult a doctor:
Firstly, one has to download the app from app store or google play store.
Then sign up by registering and login using your email and password. User accounts are protected by email address and password.
Select the option of the doctor you need to consult with i.e. General Practitioner or a consultant/specialist. The specialists include, Allergists, Gynecologists, Dermatologists, Neurologists, Obstetricians, Pediatricians etc.
Pay via MTN mobile money, Airtel money or visa card. The cost for consulting a General Practitioner is 15,000/= and a consultant is 30,000/=.
Finally connect with your doctor via video and text chat. The doctor may request for a lab test and if required, a lab request will be sent via the user’s registered email.
Both the Doctor and Patient have the ability to upload documents and images for both to view.
Although the doctor will have a thorough understanding of complex medical terminology and conditions to understand the patient’s problems (as well as provide the right diagnosis), he or she will likely make sure that the patient understands everything in layman terms. This will avoid confusing the patient, and enable them to seek better care as well as take the right medicines.
The text transcript is available during future consultations for consulting doctors to review. After the consultation with the doctor is closed, a report with a prescription is immediately sent to the patient’s email.
At the patient’s request the prescribed medicine can be sent to your location from GoGP+ partner pharmacies.
All records will go to your personal medical file and can be accessed by the user anytime.