NUP Replaces Kasese Municipality Flag Bearer After Re-evaluation

The National Unity Platform (NUP) has replaced its flag bearer in the Kasese municipality parliamentary race after petitions from both party members and a contender requested the vetting committee to make a re-evaluation of the selected aspirant.

The party presented a list of aspirants for various political positions in the district on Saturday. According to the list, Amina Kahindo had been selected by the vetting committee as the official candidate for the party.

However, her nomination drew disagreements from party members accusing the vetting committee of presenting to them a least known candidate against party diehard and coordinator Sam Baluku.

Party members stormed the NUP offices threatening to abandon the party if Baluku was not given the flag.

On Tuesday evening, the party registrar Samuel Masereka said that they had received a communication from the party head office indicating that Baluku had been re-considered for the flag.

He said the district party leadership was ready to follow any changes deemed fit for the party ahead of the general elections.

Asked how they will harmonize both Baluku and Kahindi, Masereka says they are set to engage the two to understand the party’s position.

Joel Ssenyonyi, the NUP National spokesperson said they took the decision after making some re-evaluations following petitions that were presented to the vetting committee. A number of flag bearers have been changed and more changes are expected according to communication from NUP.

The Tower Post