International Hospital Kampala has today opened up its new and revamped outpatient department which will serve as its first point of contact for patients and medical employees.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, the International Medical Group CEO Shukmeet Sandhu explained that the newly opened OPD has been revamped to improve patient care by providing reliable healthcare, improved process flow and providing more space to accommodate patients comfortably.
He adds that opening of the new OPD comes as a result of feedback from their clients and the hospital acted in their interests.

Joel Oroni, the IHK General Manager says the new OPD is suitable for minor surgery procedures and has got access to a wide range of doctors and medicines as the hospitals responds to advancement in technology and changes in the medical world.
He adds that the new facility will also serve as a training ground for medical, para-medical , nursing staff and future doctors.
According to the IHK General Manager, the new outpatient department is ideal for accident related emergencies and will curate a database of medical history and research depending on the frequency of one’s visits.