South Sudan: 5th Juba Auto Show Launched in Juba

The Young South Sudanese Business Supporters have launched the 5th Juba auto show initiative in Juba.

The Founder of Juba Auto Show Mandela Nelson Denis, says the aim of the auto show is to provide a platform for local small-scale entrepreneurs to sell their merchandized items, display various cars available for sale and connect car dealers with insurance services providers among others.

The Juba Auto Show continues to play a significant role in promoting business growth, job opportunities, economic development and community engagement in South Sudan’s automotive industry.

“Our roles as the Juba Auto show in South Sudan include various responsibilities such as sales, marketing, customer service, and maintenance. Juba Auto is a reputable automotive company that provides quality vehicles and services to customers in South Sudan. The employees working at Juba Auto play vital roles in ensuring the smooth operation of the business and satisfying the needs of the customers.”

“From sales representatives to mechanics, each role contributes to the overall success of the show. It is crucial for employees to work together as a team and uphold the values of the company to maintain a positive reputation in the market. By fulfilling their respective roles effectively, the team at Juba Auto can continue to thrive and serve the community in South Sudan,” Mandela said.

He added that Juba Auto Show continues to serve as significant event for both car enthusiasts and industry professionals in South Sudan, contributing to the growth and development of the automotive sector in the Country. Also, the Shown continued tradition of providing platform for local small-scale entrepreneur to sell their mechanized, exposing authorized dealers for different global brands operating in the country.

Wek Atak