Scientists Discover Fruits, Vegetables That Curb Cancer And Heart Diseases

According to a recent study by Imperial College London researchers, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables (10 portions a day) may give us longer lives. This could help prevent a calculated 7.8 million premature deaths each year.

To come to these findings, 95 separate studies involving two million people’s eating habits were considered. Lower risks of cancer were linked to eating green veg (e.g. spinach), yellow veg (e.g. peppers), and cruciferous vegetables (e.g. cauliflower).

The team identified these specific fruits and vegetables that reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease: apples, pears, citrus fruits, mushrooms, green leafy veg, and cruciferous veg.

It seems eating more portions of fruit puts you on the better side of the heart health scale. A portion means 80g (3oz) – an equivalent of a small banana or three heaped tablespoons of spinach or peas.

This shows how important it is for people to eat healthily and keep it going. Little changes can make all the difference. From eating more salads (fruit or veg) to taking the likes of lion’s mane capsules or vegetable drinks to increase the portions of heart healthy food.

This includes going out to eat, so choosing a healthier version of a restaurant or takeout shop could be beneficial. For instance, Greek and Italian foods have been known to be some of the healthiest cuisines. So people choosing to go for something like the “Best Gyro Restaurant in Astoria” or the “Best Antipasti in Boston”, could improve their eating habits and keep them on the path to a healthy and productive lifestyle.

Analysis and Confessions

Harriet Micallef, when interviewed by BBC about her fruit and veg intake, she said she often takes eight to 10 portions a day plus multiple portions of spinach every day, adding that she can never have a meal without them.

Micellef further said that she takes veg-packed omelette for breakfast, salad-based lunch for evening meals and she snacks during the day with fruit smoothies or peppers.

Researchers also assessed the risk of dying before your time by comparing when an individual eats fruit or veg a day or doesn’t and the results were that 200g cut the risk of cardiovascular disease by 13% while 800g cut the risk by 28%, 200g cut the risk of cancer by 4%, while 800g cut the risk by 13% and 200g cut the risk of a premature death by 15%, while 800g cut the risk by 31%.

Although it is important to note that if you do have heart disease and are at higher risk of a stroke then you should always be prepared. Looking for trauma insurance from companies like Curo trauma insurance could be beneficial so that, if anything does happen, you have the coverage to help you through it.

Nutritionists recommend eating fruit and vegetables because they reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure. They are also shown to boost the health of our blood vessels and immune system. Recent advances in immunity have also put medicinal mushrooms on the map. They tend to have a lot of health benefits apart from just boosting immunity. The World Mushroom Society offers detailed information about the pros and cons of the mushrooms, so people can decide if they want to try them.

Dr Alison Tedstone, a chief nutritionist and researcher says that the five-a-day target of consumption is the foundation of a healthy balanced diet and is an achievable way to help prevent a number of diseases.

“Whilst consuming more than five portions of fruit and vegetables a day may be desirable; adding pressure to consume more fruit and vegetables creates an unrealistic expectation.”

When one of the participants asked if eating a lot of foods with sugars can have a side effect, the reply was, the bad sugar is added sugar and not any naturally occurring sugars in fresh fruit and vegetables and the World Health Organization says “there is no reported evidence of adverse effects of consuming these sugars”.

Tricia Ishimwe