Makerere: Marks of  All February Graduands Being Verified

The process of verifying marks for 14,897 graduands who were passed out at Makerere University’s 67th graduation ceremony has started.

The graduation that happened about two months ago was followed by marks of a compromised system with administrators learning that some unqualifying students could have been smuggled onto the coveted graduation list.

Some of the complaints came from the departments.

On April 06, Academic Registrar Alfred Masikye Namoah wrote to all college principals directing that the marks of all the graduands be verified.

“Following a university management meeting which resolved that all results for the 67th  graduation be referred back to their respective colleges/schools for verification before transcripts are processed, we hereby therefore refer back results for 67th graduation ceremony,” read Masikye’s directive in part.

But Masikye’s communication is unclear on the timeline for the submission of verified grades: it only asks colleges, schools and departments to treat the exercise with urgency.



Marion Ayebazibwe