PHOTOS: President Museveni Campaigns for Walyomu in Butagaya Sub-County

During his final rally on Tuesday (May 9) in Butagaya Sub-County, President Yoweri Museveni called on the residents there to cast their ballots in favour of Moses Walyomu Muwanika who is the NRM flag bearer in the Kagoma bi-elections in Jinja District. The voting is due on Thursday, 11th May 2017.

“Ugandans needed security and we ensured it. NRM has provided good infrastructure that includes schools, hospitals, roads and electricity. We have ensured freedom of worship in the country,” he emphasized.

He further told the residents of Butagaya that peace, development and wealth creation were crucial matters in the country.

President Museveni informed wananchi that the NRM Government has rehabilitated several major roads. He further assured the gathering that the major roads that need to be built in Busoga Sub-Region would be worked on.

He introduced Mr. Moses Walyomu Muwanika to the gathering and reminded the people to vote for the NRM flag bearer on 11th May 2017 in order to ensure that they access services.

see pictorial:

President Museveni arriving at the rally
Museveni speaking to residents of Butagaya
Museveni speaking to residents of Butagaya
President Museveni having a chat with Walyomu at the rally


Don Atungisa

Don Atungisa is a passionate writer, content curator and a digital marketing practitioner. Twitter👉🏽@don_atngz . Let's connect and have a chat.