KCCA Boss Musisi is a Populist, Says Kampala Minister Beti Kamya

As the 2015 KCCA (Amendment) Bill takes shape, Kampala minister Beti Kamya and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) executive director Jennifer Musisi are already facing each other in what will likely be a cold war in the management of city affairs.

Kampala junior minister Benny Namugwanya Bugembe tabled the Bill before parliament, there both lord mayor Erias Lukwago and Musisi criticised the proposed amendments.

The bill seeks to make the minister the most dominant and active official in the management of the capital city.

But even before the bill is passed into law, fault lines are developing – thanks to the friction caused by power struggle.

Minister Kamya told CBS FM’s Palimenti Yaffe (Our Parliament), that Musisi was a populist.

“Musisi has become a populist; you discuss something and then she rushes to leak it to the media. We meet every Monday; us the two ministers, the undersecretary, Musisi and her team,” Kamya started.

“There is always an opportunity for her to ask anything she wants but when you bypass those channels and instead run to do your work from the media, then you’ve become a politician… That populism can’t take us anywhere; I don’t fight petty wars but what I don’t want is populism.”

Kamya also suggested that the KCCA leadership was exhibiting poor management signs by sacking about 70 staff.

“Whenever there is a high staff turnover in an organization, just know there is a problem with management. The main role of a manager is to create a conducive/favourable working environment for your workers. That’s when you can get the best out of them.”

Marion Ayebazibwe