Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo Appointed Deputy Chief Justice

President Yoweri Museveni has appointed Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo the Deputy Chief Justice of Uganda.

Justices Richard Butera and Paul Mugamba have also been appointed Justices of the Supreme Court

In a letter addressed Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, dated 18th August, 2017,  President Museveni noted that he had appointed the above persons Deputy Chief Justice and Justices of the Supreme Court, acting on the advice of the Judicial service commission.

President Museveni’s letter to Speaker Kadaga

Once approved by Parliament, Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo will replace Justice Steven Kavuma, who is due to retire in September when he turns 70, the retirement age.

According to Article 135 of the Constitution, the Deputy Chief Justice presides over the sittings of the Constitutional Court.


Marion Ayebazibwe