PROFILE: Who is Deputy Chief Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo?

President Yoweri Museveni has appointed Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo the Deputy Chief Justice of Uganda. Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo will replace Justice Steven Kavuma, who is due to retire in September when he turns 70, the retirement age. According to Article 135 of the Constitution, the Deputy Chief Justice presides over the sittings of the Constitutional Court. Owiny-Dollo’s appointment awaits Parliament’s approval. But who exactly is Alphonse Owiny-Dollo?

Born on January 18, 1956
Read law at Makerere University
Holds a Master of Arts Degree in conflict Resolution from Bradford University
Has a certificate in advanced mediation skills from the Center for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town
1988: appointed legal counsel in the peace talks between then rebel outfit Uganda People’s Democratic Movement (UPDM) and government
Represented Ogago County both in the CA and sixth parliament
1996: appointed minister of state in charge of Northern Uganda Reconstruction Programme (NURP)
2006: As a mediator, he met LRA rebel leader Joseph Kony face-to-face in Garamba forest in the DR Congo
2006: Served as a member of President Museveni’s defence team
2007-2008: Owiny Dollo was legal counsel to South Sudan’s Riek Machar, the chief mediator in the Juba peace talks between the Ugandan government and the LRA rebels.
2008: appointed as a judge of the High court
Served for seven years as High Court Judge
Was resident judge of the High court in Fort Portal
Headed High Court’s Execution and Bailiffs division
Worked at the International Crimes Division (ICD) of the High court
Heard the case in which 13 men were accused of killing 76 people in twin bombings in Kampala, during tenure at High court criminal division
2015: Appointed to the Court of appeal
2017: Appointed Deputy Chief Justice

Marion Ayebazibwe