Age Limit Motion Pushed to Next Week

Parliament’s Thursday order paper does not contain the age limit motion Ugandans expected to be tabled today by Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi.

Meanwhile it is a full house with members anticipating the tabling of the highly divisive motion through which Magyezi and several NRM MPs seek to delete article 102b of the Constitition that provides for the upper age limit that bars all over 75 years from standing for president.

“This looks like a special sitting because I’m seeing members I haven’t seen in a long time ,” wondered deputy speaker Jacob Oulanyah.

Nakawa Municipality MP came to Parliament in an ambulance. He has been nursing injuries from an accident months ago.

If the article is not deleted, Uganda’s three-decade president Yoweri Museveni will be ineligible for reelection when the east African land locked third world country next goes to the polls in 2021.

Oulanyah deferred tabling of motion to next week after consultation with Speaker Rebecca Kadaga.

He also suspended the sitting after MPs continuously heckled him.

Earlier Leader of Opposition (LOP) Winnie Kiiza demanded that Oulanyah calls off the sitting to allow members reflect on the day’s happening: the protests, arrests, heavy security deployment and tension in Kampala over the unpopular age limit removal motion.

Samuel Kamugisha