Makerere Guild Scandal: Probe Committee Formed to Investigate Mismanagement of Shs 260M

The Makerere University Guild Council has instituted a committee on financial affairs to investigate and monitor the use and circulation of Guild attributed monies and present the findings to the house.

The committee comes at the backdrop of a series of allegations of mismanagement of the student guild funds against the finance committee which have since caused a lot of distrust from the Guild Representative Councilors (GRCs).

Sources inside the Guild council have revealed that the Makerere guild government received Two hundred and Sixty million shilling (260,000,000), the highest amount ever received by any government.

However, there has been complaints about dishonesty and mismanagement of funds.

Some Ministers continue to claim that their ministries are being run without money.

Some Ministers with whom this website spoke on condition of anonymity so as to speak freely said a copy of the signed budget by the bursar and the financial statement indicating the amount of money so far dispensed and the balance have never been presented to the house.

Kilama Justine, the GRC School of Veterinary and Animal Resources who also doubles as the Chairperson of the Ad hoc Committee, vowed to probe the alleged mismanagement of the guild funds until the culprits are brought to light.

“As a Committee, we won’t rest until we draw a logical conclusion on how the funds are being used,” Kilama exclusively told The Tower Post.

This committee sets precedence as it is the first of its kind in the history of Makerere student’s guild.

“We tried forming this committee in the 82nd government and received a lot of opposition from the cabinets, but this time, the Committee has been formed and I’m glad to be a member,” Nsamba Ahmed the Committee’s secretary said.

The committee is however, faced with a lot of challenges including absenteeism and threats from some of the implicated cabinet members.

“We have been threatened by some cabinet members in an attempt to frustrate our efforts. The case has been registered with the police, but this won’t stop us,” says Opiyo Felix Lakor GRC School of Biomedical Lab Sciences and a member of the Committee.

Some of the cabinet members have also refused to appear before the committee when summoned.

“They are scared of the committee. We one-time summoned the Prime Minister but he did not show up. But absenteeism won’t hold us back,” says Kisitu John GRC Food Science and Technology.

Every student pays an annual guild fee of Ten thousand shillings.

With over Forty thousand students, the guild collects over Four hundred million shillings every year yet they do not know how the money is spent since no accountability is made public to them.

Article 146 of the students’ guild constitution mandates the house of representatives to form a committee to look into any matter of urgency whenever it arises.

Sam Ochola Oryem