South Sudan Defence Minister Critically Ill, Rushed to Nairobi Amid UN Sanctions

South Sudan’s Defense Minister Kuol Manyang was Sunday rushed to hospital in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi on Saturday after he became critically ill.

Manyang reportedly suffered high blood pressure.

“Minister Kuol was admitted to Nairobi Hospital … due to a medical condition,” one of his relatives reportedly told Radio Tamazuj on Sunday.

They pointed out that the minister will be discharged after concluding a number of tests after suffering from high blood pressure.

Army spokesman in Juba Lul Ruai Koang told Radio Tamazuj he had “no information” that the country’s defense minister had been hospitalized in Nairobi.

UN Sanctions

Earlier, the United Nations Security Council had slapped sanctions on the minister over violation of the cease fire agreement.

The council accused Manyang of fueling the crisis in Africa’s youngest nation for personal gain despite agreement to cease fire.

“Under (Gen) Juk’s command, SPLA forces violated the agreement on cessation of hostilities, protection of civilians and humanitarian access signed between government and rebels in 2017,” UNSC said in a statement following a Saturday meeting in New York.

It is also said Gen Manyang provided military support to the SPLM/A-N, the main Sudanese movement fighting the Khartoum regime, to attack Pagak, the rebel headquarters inside South Sudan.

Koch Madut