COCASE Clears Bagyenda to Travel Abroad for Christmas

The parliamentary committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) has granted former Bank of Uganda (BoU) Executive Director in charge of Supervision Justine Bagyenda permission to travel abroad for the Christmas holiday.

Bagyenda last week requested COSASE to release her passport enable her to travel abroad for the christmas Holiday.

Bagyenda was earlier this month ordered to deposit her passports and travel documents to avoid fleeing the country after missed appearing before the committee more than twice, an act that prompted COSASE to give her an ultimatum after which an international warrant of arrest would be issued for her. Her grace period was scheduled to end on Monday (December 3rd) when she appeared.

She had reportedly traveled to the United States for a conference on November 22, one day after her first appearance before the committee. She neither informed the committee nor the Bank of Uganda governor but sent a letter on her way to the airport.

The committee chairman Abdu Katuntu while releasing Bagyenda’s passport, warned the former BOU Director to return to Uganda after the holiday lest they hunt for her.

“We have cleared you to travel abroad for your Christmas as requested last week but am warning you that this time we will not look for you and you know the consequences because we have the capacity to hunt for you regardless of your location abroad,” Abdu Katuntu said.

Bagyenda is linked to disappearance of key reports relating to the liquidation the commercial banks including Teefe Bank, Greenland Bank, International Credit Bank, Global Trust Bank Uganda, National Bank of Commerce, Cooperative Bank and Crane Bank Limited.

The committee will resume investigations on 8th January 2019.


Moses Kayigwa