MC Kats Set to Premiere New Celebrity Night at Fame Lounge

Media personality and self-made ‘King of The Mic’, Edwin Katamba alias MC Kats has landed yet another weekly show gig at Fame Lounge.

The NBS After 5 host is set to host the “Meet Your Celebrity Wednesday’, a theme night that aims to bring celebrities closer to their fans and supporters. He will co-host it together with DJ Lola and city socialite Alicica the boss chic.

The night is anticipated to attract top city socialites, artistes, slay queens and many other top guns in the entertainment and showbiz industry.

As part of what is offered on Wednesdays as well, you can also win Lunch with your celebrity and 3 of your favorite people at the venue.

According to MC Kats, revelers will also get a chance to win a treat at the Fame Saloon, Fame gym,  Sauna and steam bath.

“It’s gonna be fun, lots of goodies to win, great music and partying with your favourite celebrity every Wednesday at Fame Lounge,” he added.

The night is set to premiere today, with a soothing red carpet and guest performance from Mbarara’s Ray G.

MC Kats also hosts a Thursday night at Wave and Saturday at Lit Lounge.

Tricia Ishimwe