Eddy Kenzo Festival Hangs in Balance as Museveni Bans Concerts

Musician Eddy Kenzo might have to postpone his music festival which was slated to happen on March 28,2020 at Kololo Airstrip as the President has suspended all music concerts and public gatherings for 32 days.

In a televised address, the President said, “Music shows, bars and merry making has been suspended for 32 days. Drunkards are a danger to themselves.”

Many other concerts are affected by the ban. Some of them are; Tugende Mu Kikade, NSSF Run and others.

Eddy Kenzo has responded that only God knows.

“God doesn’t make mistakes. HE knows better. HE has authority. I believe everything will be fine, so tugondere amateka g’abakulu nsaba mwekume bambi era mukama alinafe.

Munsabire nyo era nange mbasabira nyo

I’m not sad because I know God never make no mistake InshAllah. Kanebakemu for now stay blessed my people Abig thanks to team eddy kenzo I’m forever grateful”

The Tower Post