Nawangwe’s Office, Main Hall Were Not Destroyed by Makerere Fire

The office of the Vice Chancellor, the University Main Hall and all land titles were not destroyed by the raging fires that gutted Makerere University Main Hall over the weekend.

This was confirmed by Yusuf Kiranda the Acting University Secretary while speaking about the issue on radio on Monday night.

Kiranda was being hosted on Radio One’s Spectrum Extra show.

He said that despite rumours making rounds on social media, most important documents that were saved in the office of the Vice Chancellor were not burnt while those that were in his office were saved in time. While most businesses have already digitalised their files, some offices are yet to go paperless. Documenting files online is found to be quite beneficial for better office content management. Old files are given to archive scanning services and later uploaded online to keep their files secure for extended periods of time.

“Some documents which we had kept in the office of the Vice Chancellor, those were evacuated. Up to now, the office of the Vice Chancellor is still safe,” Kiranda said.

“We mainly keep our land titles in the Bankbut we also had a good number of titles in the office of the University Secretary. Luckily, they were in a safe which is fire proof.”

He further said that the Main Hall is safe saying that the fire didn’t get there.

The Makerere main hall is located at the ground floor and the fire which started from the topmost floor was put out before it could reach the ground floor.

Admin 2020