Nile Breweries “Be a Millionaire” Returns with Season 11

Nile Breweries Limited(NBL), Uganda’s beer market leader, today launched Season 11 of its annual entrepreneurship campaign, “Be A Millionaire.”

 Announcing the launch of  Season 11 at the company head office in Luzira, Kampala, officials said UGX100M was  earmarked as prize money, with participants winning at both regional competition and the national grand finale.

The season II themed the “Last Man Standing”, returns with couple of twists in a game show format, while maintaining the core objective of supporting businesses with both financial injection and knowledge transfer.

The nationwide five-weeks campaign aimed at sharpening the business acumen of aspiring youth entrepreneurs, will traverse five regions (North, West, Central, East and South West) culminating into the national finale, televised on NBS TV.

 The regional competitions will be broad cast live on partner media, Capital FM every Saturday at 3pm.

The initiative is aimed boosting businesses amid the prevailing global economic downturn.

In with line  the sustainability agenda we committed to help entrepreneurs keep on their feet in current volatile economic environment ,” said  Onapito Ekomoloit, the NBL Legal and Corporate Affairs Director.

 Mr. Onapito said it takes more than just finances to successfully run business, so NBL had partnered with Enterprise Uganda to offer relevant training and mentoring to all the participants

“At Enterprise Uganda we believe in resources beyond money, and that’s the person. We come in with the right mindset training and then the power of entrepreneurship is stimulated,” said Charles Ocici Executive Director, Enterprise Uganda

We want every person that is going to participate in it to experience this, to become a millionaire. But there’s no way you can become a millionaire until you tick these two boxes. Sell a solution that meets a customer’s expectations. Secondly, you are not the only one going to provide that solution. Be ready to compete with people of all kinds of capabilities,” he cautioned.

To enter the competition, any entrepreneur aged 18-35years,  is required to submit a well written business plan, as per guidelines and upload this on the Nile Breweries website. The business must already have its products or services on the market.

Some of the benchmarks the entries will be examined on include; the problem a particular business seeks to solve in the community and a SWOT analysis looking at the knowledge of the environment the entrepreneur seeks to operate in.

Enterprise Uganda will facilitate the selection of the winners and also mentor them so that they take off.

The Process

Participants will have an opportunity to win cash prizes right from the regional stage to the national stage.

Phase 1- First cut-

Verification of entries. Top 10 participants will be chosen from each region

Phase 2-Boot Camp

50 participants from the five regions will gather for a boot camp in Kampala. They will be trained on business basics by Enterprise Uganda. The first quiz challenge will take place. Top 5 will be chosen per region.

Phase 3- Regional face off

Five participants, each from a different region, will face off every week, for 5 weeks in a quiz gameshow. Twenty five ( 25) contestants will be on the spot in the weekly quiz battles.

 The weekly battle will be showcased on Capital FM channels and socials, NBL socials.  Shs5m will be at stake weekly, with each participant winning from the bounty as per their performance. Each correct quiz answer will be worth some cash.  The weekly winner will constitute the top 5 contestants for the national grand finale.

Phase 4- National face off Grand Finale-

The top 5 will face off in the national contest, to be the last man standing; with UGX. 100 M up for grabs.

Rashid Kyonjo

Rashid is a Public Interest Journalist based in Kampala - Uganda. He has bias for Fashion, Entertainment and current affairs. Contact Rashid on: