VIDEO: Porn Control Committee to Crack Down on Fake Ssengas

Dr Annette Kezaabu Kasimbazi, the head of Uganda’s Pornographic Control committee, has revealed that the committee has started consulting the learning institutions, cultural leaders and politicians on how to stamp pornography out of Uganda.

Dr Kezaabu told reporters in Kampala on Monday that the committee will liaise with cultural institutions to list fake ssengas.

‘Ssenga’ is a Luganda word that means aunt. The word also connotes the work done by female marital and sex counsellors.

“Some ssengas might be teaching cultural values while there are others who include pornographic content in their lectures to spoil children. Other ssengas take the children somewhere and record pornographic tapes for sale: such are fake ssengas.”

She now wants cultural institutions to draft curricula for ssengas and to list the fake ones.

Kezaabu also revealed that there was opposition to the fight against pornography from both local and international actors but insisted the committee work was ordained by God and He would protect them against any threats.

The nine member committee was appointed in April to monitor pornographic material, apprehend and and prosecute perpetrators.

Samuel Kamugisha