Electoral Commission Issues Programmes for Toroma, Kagoma By-elections  

The Electoral Commission has released detailed programmes for the by-elections to be held in Toroma County in Katakwi district and Kagoma County in Jinja district.

The Toroma County seat fell vacant after MP Cyrus Amodoi Imalingat died in a road accident last month.

The Kagoma seat fell vacant after three Court of Appeal judges last month nullified the election of Moses Walyomu over voter bribery. The judges overturned a ruling by the Jinja High Court which had rejected evidence of voter bribery against Walyomu as had been advanced his opponent Alex Brandon Kintu.

The Kagoma by-election will happen on May 11 while the one in Toroma is scheduled for May

Click Here for Programme for By-election of MP for Toroma County April 2017

Click Here for Programme for By-election of MP for Kagoma County April 2017