Another MP Thrown out of Parliament, Court Orders Fresh Election

The election of Isaac Joackino Etuuka as the Upper Madi Member of Parliament has been nullified.

Justices Remmy Kasule, Richard Buteera and Alfonse Owiny-Dollo of the Court of Appeal has ruled that the Electoral Commission (EC) wrongly nominated and included him on the ballot paper.

Court has therefore ordered the EC to hold fresh elections to fill the position now declared vacant.

The Court of Appeal decision overrules that of Arua High Court judge John Eudes Keitirima who had ruled that Etuuka’s election was valid.

Etuuka’s nomination as the NRM flag -bearer was cancelled on the eve of the election. His challenger Martin Drito had secured a court order to that effect.  The EC then published public notices showing that Etuuka was not a valid candidate although his name appeared on the ballot paper.

Court of Appeal Justices based on the contradiction that an unqualified candidate was declared winner to annul Etuuka’s election.

Court has ordered EC and Etuuka to pay the court costs to John  Arumadiru Drazu, the appellant.

Marion Ayebazibwe