Cost of Weeding out Ghost Students: Govt to Spend Shs 25bn on Registration Exercise

All Uganda learners below the age of 16 will undergo a mandatory registration exercise, the country’s education ministry has announced.

The exercise will be conducted between May 29th and August, according to Nira’s ICT boss, Cletus Turiho.

The Education Ministry and the National Identification and Registration Authority (Nira) will use Shs 25bn for the exercise.

At least 10 million students and pupils will be counted in the exercise that is intended to weed out ghost learners that cost the tax payers billions every year.

This will eliminate any form of ghosts pupils, said , on State Minister for Primary Education Rosemary Seninde at a press conference in Kampala on Tuesday.

The exercise will also “facilitate tracking of funds, dropouts, and fresh enrolment and will lead to effective implementation of capitation grants,” Seninde added.

Marion Ayebazibwe