Cholera Kills 20 in Kapoeta State

The health ministry Kapoeta State says that over 20 people have died of cholera since an outbreak was declared last month.

Minister Stella Lorika is also worried that the number of cholera cases is on the increase.

“The number of death cases from the beginning, about 22 people died but now we have one. In Kapoeta North is where cases have increased a bit. Every day at least we get five people. There are about 10 people admitted. But in Kapoeta South, it has a bit reduced,” Lorika was quoted by a local radio as saying.

“In Kapoeta South County they have reduced and now we have few people in the hospital, very few like five people in the hospital.”

But she expressed optimism that the situation was under control.

“Generally, the state is under control. By the moment it rains, there are so many cases. But at the moment, they are reducing now. Cholera is now under control. Our partners have come in.”

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