Drama as State House Guards Chase 54 Indebted NRM Chairpersons

After camping at State House without an appointment to meet their party chairman, some 54 district chairpersons of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party were hounded away.

The NRM district bosses were reportedly mobilised by Twaha Sonko (Kalungu NRM boss) who heads the association of NRM district chairpersons.

Reports indicate that the chairpersons had loitered around Kampala for a week starting May 08, waiting for Sonko to fix an appointment with NRM Chairman and Uganda president Yoweri Museveni.

In that very week, Museveni flew to London for a conference on Somalia.

When the district party bosses learnt that the fountain of honour had returned, they decided to camp at State House Entebbe until he gave them audience.

NRM District Chairpersons stranded at State House.

But they faced the wrath of State House security personnel who turned them away on grounds that they had no appointment with the head of state – and their party boss.

A stranded NRM District chairperson whiles away reading a newspaper article.

The NRM chairpersons have admitted not having an appointment with Museveni.

But they say their attempts to schedule a meeting with Museveni were futile because no response had been given to their official requests.

The district chairpersons say the president would later drive in but ignored them. (we could not independently verify this claim).

We have learnt that the NRM chairpersons have now secured an appointment with Museveni at the start of next month.

The district chairpersons also refute claims that they want Museveni to pay their debts, arguing that they want to discuss “party issues at the grassroots” with the party chairman, and other party issues, claiming they had not had a meeting with Museveni for over a year now.

Marion Ayebazibwe