Why KCCA Has Closed Shoprite Supermarket’s Meat section

The meat section of Shoprite Supermarket at Lugogo Mall has been closed by
Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).

The closure, which KCCA says is a temporary suspension, came on the heels of an off the cuff inspection at the supermarket.

KCCA health inspection team at Shoprite.

KCCA health officials visited the supermarket’s cold room, processing room and the shelves.

The officials were shocked to find stale meat in the cold room. They said it was not fit for human consumption and posed health threats.
According to KCCA, “Meat processing at Shoprite Lugogo will remain suspended until the supermarket adheres fully to the required Codes and Standards of practice.”

The authority inspection team also found out that Shoprite had improper waste disposal practices, had poor wastewater drainage in the meat section and had flouted meat hygiene standards.

City-wide Public Health inspections continue, KCCA has warned.

Summary of Appalling Conditions at Shoprite

1. Stale meat that is not fit for human consumption was found in the cold room of the Supermarket.
2. Improper meat waste disposal practices
3. Failure to follow the meat hygiene codes and standards
4. Poor wastewater drainage in the meat section which is a source of contamination.

Charity Mbabazi