When MP Adeke Met State House Operative Mukiibi Who Beat UP MPs

National Female Youth MP Anna Adeke Ebaju has recounted her meeting with Hassan Mukiibi Sserunjogi, one of the State House operatives who Wednesday beat up and ejected 25 opposition MPs from parliament.

A former member of the Poor Youth activists, Mukiibi now works with State House and (Special Forces Brigade (SFC) .

Mukiibi has been pictured walking along or seated next to three-decade president Yoweri Museveni, the subject of the controversial age limit motion.

The motion by Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi seeks to delete the upper age limit to allow Museveni rule beyond the age of 75.

According to Adeke, it was Geofrey Kasumba, her friend who connected her to Mukiibi. Adeke was Makerere University guild president and Kasumba was one of the vibrant student leaders during Adeke’s reign.

The MP explains that Mukiibi’s intention was to convince her to drop out of the race for national youth MP in favour of the ruling NRM candidate Ms Ann Ruyondo Lumumba for a State House bribe worth Shs 200m.

The Tower Post could not independently verify Adeke’s bribery allegations.

“In 2015 I received a call from an old friend of mine called Kasumba Geofrey and told me he has a great deal for me. Someone who was interested in my leadership career wanted to sponsor my 2016 campaigns. I had known Kasumba for close to 3 years before and I knew that something fishy would turn out,” Adeke narrated.

“I was reluctant to meet the gentleman but Kasumba insisted that for old time’s sake I should meet him. I agreed and told my team about this. I was advised to go ahead and meet him.”

Adeke also reveals that she met Mukiibi at Kampala Serena Hotel. But the MP says she walked out on Mukiibi and prayed to God for his help.

“The meeting happened at serena. The man was Mukiibi Hassan Sserunjogi. The deal…. I should quit the race for national female Youth MP because state house was going to have its way despite anything. The promise…. 200 million shillings if I quit the race. I walked out of serena reciting psalms 23 and vowed I would run for national female Youth MP,” she further recounts.

Adeke was surprised to see Mukiibi among the SFC officers clobbering opposition MPs on Wednesday. She has since warned him.

“Yesterday [On Wednesday], as assailants executed Museveni’s orders at Parliament, I saw Hassan mukiibi. Sir what were you doing in parliament. You and your colleagues who invaded Parliament should be aware that the day of reckoning will come. And you will pay for your deeds. Cheers,” the youthful MP concluded her narration.

Samuel Kamugisha