Amuriat Threatens to Mobilise Ugandans to Reject ‘Wrong’ Age Limit Petition Ruling

Opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) president Patrick Amuriat has sworn to rally Ugandans to reject a Constitutional Court ruling on the age limit petition if it’s not in their favour.

Amuriat has also rallied Ugandans to storm the court sitting in the eastern town of Mbale in show of solidarity with the petitioners.

Petitioners  Male Mabirizi Kiwanuka, Gerald Karuhanga Kafureka, the Uganda Law Society, Prosper Busingye, and Jonathan Abaime have since consolidated their different petitions into one.

“We would like the population to show the dissatisfaction on what the 317 MPs agreed on,” Amuriat said on Monday.

In December 2017, 317 MPs voted to remove the age limit to allow President Museveni run for office beyond the age of 75.

Amuriat also wants the court to reverse age limit removal decision by parliament.

“If the judiciary feels that we don’t have issues, our appellate court will be the citizens of Uganda,” threatened Amuriat.

“It’s the court FDC will go to.”

Marion Ayebazibwe