Cabinet Approves Creation of 9 Cities

Cabinet has approved the creation of nine (9) New Cities to start operation in 3 phases.

The decision was made on Monday during the weekly during the weekly cabinet sitting at State House Entebbe.

The 9 cities will comprise of the following Divisions:

Effective 1st July 2020

Arua city: Consisting of Arua Central Division and Ayivu Division;

Mbarara city: consisting of Mbarara North Division and Mbarara South Division;

Gulu city: consisting of Laroo-Pece Division and Bardege-Layibi Division;

Jinja city: consisting of Jinja South Division and Jinja North Division;

Fort-Portal city: consisting of Fort Portal Central Division and Fort Portal North Division.

Effective 1st July 2021 

Mbale city , consisting of Industrial Division and North Division;

Hoima city, consisting of Hoima East Division and Hoima West;

Effective 1st July 2022

Lira city , consisting of Lira West Division and Lira East Division;

Entebbe city, consisting of Entebbe Central Division and Entebbe North Division.

The expected out comes of creation of New cities is expected to;

1.Lead to increase Urban Infrastructure services like tarmac roads, improved waste management, water services, effective and efficient Physical development and planning and

2. Implementation;
Increase local revenue and Government fiscal transfers including increase in employment levels;

2. Facilitate uniform and harmonized growth and development to avoid organic growth of towns.

The Tower Post