‘Mafias Planning to Kill Me Like they Killed Abiriga’ – Minister Anite

Minister of State for Privatisation and Investment Evelyn Anite has revealed there is a plan to assassinate her just like it was done to former Arua Municipality MP Ibrahim Abiriga.

Addressing the press Monday morning at Ministry of Finance headquarters in Kampala, Anite revealed that there was a plan to remove her from the Uganda Telecom (UTL) battle and to end her life.

“A cabal of thugs in government is plotting to kill me. They have held meetings in various places in Kampala. They have recruited people to trail me. They have got printouts of my telephone conversations. When I die, there should be no postmortem,”Anite told journalists.

She however noted that she would not stop fighting to save UTL or exposing bad characters in government.

“The plan by the mafias is to take Anite out of the picture. I might die but history will judge them harshly. You know the mafias are the ones who have been blocking the audit. Do not live in denial.”

Last week, a whistleblower petitioned the IGG asking for investigations into an alleged secret booking from US via France to Mauritius by Anite to meet investors who want to take over UTL.

Anite denied having any relationship with the Mauritius Company and said the petition was the work of the mafias.

“I have no relationship with Mauritius Telecom Company. The report by financial intelligence is what prompted me to support them. My name has been tarnished but I will continue fighting for the truth,” she said.

“They will fight those who stand up for the truth, I traveled to pursue my academics and news back home was that I had fled the country. I am writing to the IGG to invite her to investigate me on how I am doing my job. I want to make it clear, I have no travel ban against me. I am the minister for privatization and my mandate is to bring in foreign investors.”

Uganda Telecom Limited was in May 2017 put under administration after Libyans, who owned 69% of the shares left at a time when the company had an Shs700b debt.

Early this year, government kicked out Teleology Holdings Limited from Nigeria for failure to pay Shs268 billion within three months of being awarded the UTL deal as had been agreed by both parties.

“My issue is that the telecom has to be saved, whether Abimanya is in or out. I have struggled to save that company three times, the first time we argued with attorney generals, they said we must liquidate it. Private lawyers argued the case against liquidation, and we won.”

The audit into UTL started last Thursday.

Anita Atuhaire