UPDF Release Re-Arrested Kaweesi Murder Suspects

The army has Monday afternoon released four suspects in the case of the murder of former Police Spokesperson AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi.

Yusuf Nyanzi, Jibril Kalyango, Joshua Kyambadde and Yusuf Mugerwa had been released on bail by Justice Lydia Mugambe of the High Court International Crimes Division before being arrested by plain clothed security operatives that were waiting outside.

The quartet was grabbed and arrested by the Military Wednesday September 11th after they had left the court room.

Their lawyer Mr James Mubiru was also arrested.

Speaking about the re-arrest, UPDF spokesperson Brig. Richard Karemire told journalists that the four were re-arrested because “they are peace violators.”

“Our people deserve peace and security forces will do whatever they can within the laws established to ensure that,” said Karemire after the re-arrest of the suspects.

The army is yet to make a comment about the suspects’ release.

Eric Geno