FDC Hires Private Investigators to Get Facts on Break in at Party Offices

The Forum for Democratic has hired private investigators to look into circumstances under which their offices were broken into a week or so ago. 

While talking to the media on Monday, John Kikonyogo, the party deputy spokesperson said the reason for hiring the investigators is intended to get their own report about what exactly happened.

“We will compare our investigators’ report to that of police. As you are already aware, last week on Tuesday and Wednesday, our Party Offices both at Headquarters and in the district branch of Kasese were broken into. This is not the first time such an evil act is happening in Uganda,” said Kikonyogo.

He added that, “A number of offices especially for CSO’s have been broken into before i.e. Forum for African Women Educationalist, Save for Health Uganda, Action Aid Uganda, Human Rights Network (HURINET), Human Rights Network for Journalists (HRNJ), Citizens Coalition for Independent Media, The Observer News Paper, Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET), Refugee Law Project, Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRC) among others.”

Police arrested the office guard of the FDC Najjanankumbi offices to help with investigations.

Charity Mbabazi