Rwanda’s New Electoral Commission Bosses Sworn in ahead of August Election

Two new commissioners of Rwanda’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) have been sworn in ahead of August 2017 general elections.

Appointed by cabinet on April 5, Judith Mbabazi and Joyce K Bamwine on Wednesday took oath before Chief Justice Sam Rugege.

The duo will retain their previous jobs – Mbabazi as the secretary-general of Rwanda Law Reform Commission (RLRC); Bamwine as an advisor at Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD).

They are required to provide legal support to the commission between June and September. They are also expected to design a manual for civic education.

Justice Rugege told the commissioners: “As stipulated in the constitution, Rwandans have the right to choose their leaders. You have a task to help them freely choose who they want to lead them.”

On her new role, Commissioner Mbabazi said: “It is not an easy job but I believe that whatever you do willingly, with courage, and aware of what the country expects from you, you cannot fail.”



Tricia Ishimwe