Activists Seek to Block Kayihura Reappointment

A group of activists have written to Speaker of Uganda’s Parliament Rebecca Kadaga detailing why the appointments committee should block the reappointment of the country’s police chief Gen. Kale Kayihura.

President Yoweri Museveni has reappointed Kayihura his deputy for three more years at the helm of the country’s police force amidst a wave of crime that has hit the country.

In a 100-page petition, the activists, including lawyer Andrew Karamagi, want Speaker Kadaga who chairs the appointments committee of parliament to disapprove of Kayihura’s track record and disapprove of his appointment.

Karamagi told journalists on Thursday: “Of particular interest to us is the blatant disregard for human life, dignity and violence that has continuously been meted out against citizens in the name of maintaining securing and public order.”

“This is coupled with the criminalization of expression, association, dissent and suppression of alternative thought.”

Karamagi also accuses the police chief of incompetence, and of flouting the laws of the land.

“It is possible for the wheels of justice to spin faster than the sails of impunity he has marshalled over the past decade. He has defied public outcry and went ahead to train and fund outfits that are strange in the laws of the country like crime preventers who only promote crime.”

The group has threatened to organise demonstrations in protest of the extension of Kayihura’s reappointment.

Marion Ayebazibwe